Political Science Degree Requirements

Carthage offers a major and minor in political science. To earn a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Carthage, students must complete the Carthage Core, Distribution Requirements, and the political science major requirements listed below. Many pre-law students choose to major in political science as preparation for law school.
Required Courses
- POL 1070 Introduction to Political Theory
- POL 4000 Senior Seminar (4 credits)
Two courses from each of the major’s 5 concentration areas:
- 1. American Government and Politics
- 2. Public Law and Judicial Politics
- 3. Comparative Government
- 4. International Relations
- 5. Political Thought & Theory (satisfied by POL 1070, mentioned above)
* You will also need to take a total of three courses in your area of concentration.
Political Science majors are not required to, but may, obtain a concentration in any of the five areas of the discipline by taking one additional class (for a total of three) in that area. Concentrations will be noted by the registrar and will be included in student transcripts.
For students seeking a concentration in Political Thought and Theory, POL 1070 and POL 3250 are both required courses, in addition to a third Political Thought and Theory course.
- POL 1040 Introduction to Public Policy (4 credits)
- POL 1500 American Government: National, State, and Local (4 credits)
- POL 3510 Campaigns and Elections (4 credits)
- POL 3520 America at War (4 credits)
- POL 3530 Congress and the Presidency (4 credits)
- POL 3580 American Foreign Policy (4 credits)
- POL 3620 Environmental Politics (4 credits)
- POL 1030 Introduction to Comparative Politics (4 credits)
- POL 1600 Model United Nations and Global Politics (4 credits)
- POL 3030 Women of Africa (4 credits)
- POL 3040 African Transitions (4 credits)
- POL 3200 Women and Politics (4 credits)
- POL 3330 Middle East Politics (4 credits)
- POL 3360 Latin American Politics (4 credits)
- POL 3370 Russia/East European Politics (4 credits)
- POL 3380 West European Politics (4 credits)
- POL 3400 Chinese Politics (4 credits)
- POL 3450 Global Poverty (4 credits)
- POL 1050 Introduction to International Relations (4 credits)
- POL 1600 Model United Nations and Global Politics
- POL 3330 Middle East Politics (4 credits)
- POL 3350 Human Rights (4 credits)
- POL 3600 International Security (4 credits)
- POL 3610 Nuclear Proliferation (4 credits)
- POL 3620 Environmental Politics (4 credits)
- POL 1070 Introduction to Political Theory (4 credits)
- POL 2050 Philosophical Foundations of Political Economy (4 credits)
- POL 3000 American Political Thought (4 credits)
- POL 3110 Women’s and Gender Studies Theory (4 credits)
- POL 3240 Contemporary Political Theory (4 credits)
- POL 3250 Classics of Political Thought (4 credits)
- POL 3260 Studies in Political Theory (4 credits)
- POL 3270 Religion and Politics in the United States (4 credits)
- POL 1900 Constitutional Rights: Freedom of Expression (4 credits)
- POL 1910 Law and Society (4 credits)
- POL 3900 Comparative Law (4 credits)
- POL 3910 Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights (4 credits)
- POL 3920 Constitutional Law and the Separation of Powers (4 credits)
- POL 3930 Environmental Law (4 credits)
A minor in political science consists of five courses. These courses must be chosen from at least three of the five areas designated for political science. Those courses under the heading “General Courses” do not constitute an area of political science but may be chosen as electives. CRJ 3300 Mock Trial can count as one of the five courses needed to complete a minor in political science.
Although not required for the major, it is strongly recommended that students planning to attend graduate and/or professional school take a course in statistics. Possible courses include:
- BUS 2340 Applied Statistics for Economics and Management
- MTH 1050 Elementary Statistics
- SOC 3900 Data Analysis
Recommended supporting areas include courses from other areas in the Division of Natural and Social Sciences (economics, geography, psychological science, and sociology) and from the Division of Arts and Humanities (philosophy, history, and English).
The Political Science Department also offers a number of J-Term courses and study tours that are not listed in the catalog. Please consult a political science faculty member for more information about these options.
The CRJ 3300 Mock Trial course may count as an elective for political science. It can count as part of the Public Law and Judicial Politics concentration (one of the three required courses in this area), but it cannot be used to meet the breadth requirement (one course from the area of Public law and Judicial Politics) on its own, for students pursuing other concentrations.
Honors in the major require a minimum of 3.5 GPA in political science and achieving an assessment of Honors on your Political Science Senior Thesis.
Current students, remember: You should follow the official College Catalog from the year you entered Carthage and work with your advisors and the department chair to ensure all requirements are met.